Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 1

I was going to call this post Accountability, but decided that really, it is what it is and it's
Day 1 for me. Maybe because I turned 48 yesterday and 50 is just a couple years away I felt the need to set some personal goals for myself. I've been reading a lot lately about these people who were never really runners (that would be me) that have gotten off their bums and started running 5K's, 10K's all kinds of K's. My good friend Jacqueline started running a few years ago. I'm not sure what inspired her, but she has inspired me. So, bright and early this morning I put on my shoes, made my way to the scary basement and started running. Well, more like jogging. Slow jogging. OK, really just walking with a bounce. But, remember my motto "Less is More" and the emphasis of this program is not on speed. I'm following this Couch-to-5K Plan. They say that after 9 short weeks I will be ready. I'm taking it one day at a time and I promise to keep you posted.

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