Sunday, October 23, 2011

Weekend with Barb and Jorge

Our good friends and backyard neighbors from Iowa, Barb and Jorge came to visit us this past weekend. As you can see, we took them to walk at the zoo Saturday morning. They were such good sports. I can't believe that these are the only 2 pictures that I took all weekend. We must have been just having too much fun!

After the zoo we had breakfast at Wild Eggs, my most favorite breakfast place ever. Then, Barb and I shopped while Jorge and Alan hiked.

Barb and Jorge were our weekly bridge night buddies back in Iowa, so Saturday night we broke out the cards. You might think that playing bridge is similar to riding a bike, in that once you learn how to play you never forget. Well I'm here to tell you that that is not the case. I was very rusty and after a couple of glasses of wine I knew in my heart that it was just not meant to be my night. I lost big time. Jorge had the most points which I'm sure is because he was studying up during the 8 hour drive here. He won't admit it, but Barb and Alan are usually the lucky ones when we play, so I know something was up.

I hope they had as much fun as we did and that they come back for another visit very soon.


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