Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Back to Blogging

 August is more than half over and I obviously have not had much to say since July 30th. If you know me, and I truly hope that the majority of you actually taking time out of your busy lives to read this do know me, than you know that I have never in my life run out of things to talk about. Not to make excuses for my little blog vacation, but I think I just needed to take some time off and enjoy the last few weeks of summer, without all of the daily documentation. You know what I mean. 

Today is the first day of school for children living here in Louisville. In my book that means that today is really the first day of fall. I know that summer is not really over, but for all those kids it sure is. I decided that I'd better give you a recap of what's been going on around here since I last posted. The pictures above are of some of my new favorite things.
1. Sangria in a bottle from Trader Joe's 
2. 3 red frying pans that I got for a steal at Kroger
3. Honeysuckle hand soap from Mrs. Meyers
4. Grace's Best cookies (I found them in a HUGE bag at Costco
5. Tabbouleh
6. and 7.  Coffee and knitting on the deck because we have had some amazingly chilly mornings
8. New favorite picture of us taken by Alan's brother Paul on the 4th of July
9. Best sandwich ever
10. and 11. Spinning this beautiful fiber into yarn that I'm going to try knitting into socks
12, 13 and 14 Making jam. So far I've canned strawberry, plum, peach and bourbon peach
15. My new kitchen rug from IKEA. Only $29.00 people
16. Last but not least. Alan's new look. Can you tell from this picture that he is missing his stash? After 33 years I guess he just got tired of it and decided to shave it off. I'd love his beautiful face no matter what, but he sure is a lot more kissable.

That's it for now. I hope to be blogging on a more regular schedule, but I'm not making any promises.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my - thanks for the updates! Love Alan's new look - I had to do a double take! And what is the best sandwich ever? Barb