Friday, November 22, 2013

A Gloomy Friday Post

 I took these pictures the other day when the sun was obviously streaming in, Good thing, because today has been about as gloomy as they come. The weather forecast was for rain, so I should have been prepared. This weekend it is going to turn cold and probably stay that way at least though Thanksgiving. Joy.
 Sorry if I sound a little grumpy. I don't usually like to share my bad moods with you, but sometimes I just can't help it. I was going to do a little reading until I realized that my Kindle battery is dead. It's charging right now so it should be good to go in a little bit. Definitely user error. I knew last night that it was getting low.
 I'm also waiting for the plumber to call me back. Our kitchen sink is stopped up again. I've tried everything I know to fix it and nothing has worked. I guess we will just have to go out for dinner tonight. Darn...
It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week. It just sneaks up on me every year. My dad was here for a couple of days on his way to visit family in Tennessee. He will be back Sunday and then all of us will be at his house for Thanksgiving. It will be good to see David and hear all about how his psych rotation is going. From the way he talks on the phone I get the feeling that he's enjoying it. Grace has 10 days of college left. That's really hard to believe. She has decided not to participate in the graduation ceremony. It's so close to Christmas and she doesn't know anyone else graduating. I guess we will just have to celebrate her achievement on our own. Another dinner out perhaps...

Hope you all have a great weekend. I really hope that the sun is out where ever you are and that it shines here tomorrow.
PS As you can see, George is still with us. He actually seems to be better than ever, crazy cat.

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