Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday on the Veranda

We had the most lovely day today. Not too hot and not too cold. Perfect for just sitting out on the deck and spending time together while in fact we were each kind of doing our own thing. That's Grace in the background knitting away on a pair of socks.
Alan says that he's trying to get some work done, but I'm not so sure he isn't just playing computer games.

I decided to give spinning outside a try. I have to say that I totally enjoyed it and if Grace will share her wheel with me again this will be my new "spinning spot"

Here's what I've done so far. Pretty shades of pinks and greens. It reminds me a bit of spring which is funny, because the actual fluff before it got spun looked much more like fall. I can never tell from looking at the fluff how the yarn will turn out it's just a big, happy surprise every time. I hope that you are enjoying your Sunday afternoon as much as we are.

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