Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Spa Day

Maggie had a spa day today at the Louisville Groom Room. I don't have a before picture, but let's just say she was a mess. Since this was her first visit to the Groom Room I took along this picture. I know that it's from last winter, but I just wanted to give them some idea of what she was supposed to look like. I dropped her off at 8:00 and was told she would be ready mid afternoon. I was trying to figure out why it would take so long.
Now I know.

Here is her after picture.

Poor thing. I mean really. I was so embarrassed for her. Definitely a case of "less is more". The bandanna is one thing, but the little ear bows have got to go. At least they didn't polish her toenails. I'm going to try and keep them on her though until Alan gets home. I know he is going to have a good laugh.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Getting Things Done

What a weekend. I'm not sure if it's the anticipation of fall or what, but we sure managed to check a lot of things off of our "to do list" Both Saturday and Sunday were packed and now that Monday is here I'm ready to rest. Here's a little run down of what kept us so busy.

Walked at the Zoo
Went to the Farmers Market
Went to the Home Depot to buy stuff to fill a giant hole which Maggie has dug around the front of our "little house"
Hung up more stuff around the house
Filled the giant hole
Watched the next episode of Pillars of the Earth
Ate leftovers for dinner
Went to a neighborhood party ; listened to Blue Grass music and watched a lady spinning wool.

Spent most of the morning doing yard work in the front yard
Met lots of neighbors that stopped to talk to us while we were doing yard work
Ate lunch on the deck
Cleaned up
Spoke to both kids
Watched a Netflix movie (of course)
Ate dinner and watched the Emmy Awards

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sipping Tea on the Porch

OK, so it's really the back deck, but tea on the porch sounds so much more southern. Yesterday Louisville was blessed with perfect weather. The humidity was low (finally) and the temperature delightful. If I could have, I would have spent the entire day outside just looking up at our huge old oak tree. The tree sits right off the deck and it is truly magnificent. It is home to the squirrels that torment Maggie and to millions of little acorns that periodically fall on your head. When all of the weather conditions are right, there is no better place to sit and enjoy life and sip on a refreshing glass of iced tea.


Thursday, August 26, 2010

Too Much Help

I finally found some backing material for my picnic quilt (which you can read more about under Projects). It would be nice if I could get this quilt finished in time to actually use it for a picnic this fall. Trying to find a space big enough to lay the whole thing out in my new "little" house was a challenge. I moved some furniture in the piano room/conservatory and thought that I would be able to at least cut out the batting and backing. That's when my furry family members decided that I was in need of their help. They both made themselves comfortable on my quilt and refused to move. After several attempts to shoo them away I gave up. Tomorrow is another day. I'll wait until they are both napping and see what happens.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

When Pigs Fly

Is this not the cutest thing you have ever seen? I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with it, but right now he is guarding over us in front of the fireplace. I mentioned my good friend Angela from Baton Rouge last week in "I love the taste of..." Well not only does she know something about yummy things to eat, she knows more than I ever will about how to pick the perfect gift. I don't know how she does it, but she does it every time. I know I will keep this watering can forever. Thanks Ang!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Kitchen Window

I am so glad that my new kitchen has a window over the sink. I think every kitchen should. I don't know about you, but I spend a lot of time standing at this sink and being able to look out over the yard and plan next years flower and vegetable gardens helps to pass the time. An added benefit in our little neighborhood is that I also get to keep an eye on all of the goings on around us. I am nosey that way. The weather seems to be cooling a bit, especially at night. The mosquitoes are still annoying, but Alan sprayed some "insect management" last night and I was able to enjoy my cup of coffee on the deck this morning. Hooray for chemicals! Have a great day.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Cooling Off

After a picnic lunch and a walk through Cherokee Park, Maggie took a little dip in a fountain. This dog is crazy for water and she just splashed around like a little kid. Alan and I just stood there laughing at her and wishing that we could climb in too. Hope you had a nice, restful weekend.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wildcat Crazy

Well, our little Wildcat has left the den. I know that sounds corny, but so does everything else that I've come up with. Alan and I are officially "empty nesters". Does that make us sound old? After we dropped Grace off at the University of Kentucky yesterday I felt old. But this morning I woke up and decided that I really am not all that old, I just got an early start - had my children young and now I have the rest of my life to do whatever I want. It may take a while to figure out what that is, but thank goodness I have lots of time left to do just that.

We ended up needing to take both of our vehicles to Lexington.
Days like this we miss our big old van. But we got
it all to fit and, besides tons of traffic and carrying her stuff up to the second floor because the
elevator line was just too long, everything went
according to plan. She is a college freshman at last. Doesn't she look happy? We were able to meet her roommate and her roommate's mom, but I forgot to take pictures of all of the important things. Hopefully Grace will get a good picture of her and Charlotte and I'll be able to post it soon. I'm sure she doesn't want me driving back up there tomorrow to take one myself....

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love and eat some more....

Grace and I went to see Eat, Pray Love- the movie this afternoon. We have been looking forward to seeing it for a while, but decided to wait until school started back for kids in Louisville. That way we would have the whole theater mostly to ourselves. Since it was supposed to rain today(which it hasn't) we decided to venture out. We knew something was up as soon as we got out of the car. Turns out Wednesdays are senior day at the movies. The theater was packed full and we were by far the youngest people in the audience by a good 20-30 years. The funniest part was watching all of the ladies come in with their kiddie snacks, you know the tiny little drink, popcorn and candy in a carrier. Makes me wonder why I never think to order that. It's probably just enough. Anyway, the movie was very close to the book. I thought the book was OK and I thought the movie was OK too.
Tomorrow we will be doing laundry and final packing. I think we have purchased everything on "the list" and Grace is good to go. I hate saying that, but she is really ready.

Monday, August 16, 2010

"Electronical" Gagets

OK, so I've been informed that electronical isn't really a word, but I like it and I think it perfectly describes this collection of important tools that pile up on Alan's place mat every evening. He needs all of these thing. I guess they all do a different job. I think that I own all of these things too, well, not that thing on the far right. I don't even know what that's called. I just don't keep all of my electronicals in the same place. I tried giving Alan a cute little basket to hold his stuff. It's hanging very near the dining room table and it's empty.
This will be a busy week for us. It's time to get our acts together and organize all of Grace's college stuff. We have been accumulating things here and there all summer, and stashing things here and there all summer. Hopefully it will all fit in the car. I know that Friday can't come soon enough for her. She is so excited. I'm excited for her. Really I am.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Farmer's Market Finds

We stopped by the St. Matthews Farmer's Market yesterday after our walk through the zoo. I know that I've told you about this market before, but I thought it might deserve its own post. The market is held on Saturday mornings at a church very close to our house. We usually walk to it and try to get there early before it gets too crowded and too hot. There are quite a few vendors selling all kinds of things. The set up is quaint, just they way I like my markets. Our goal is to spend no more than $20.00 and let me just tell you that that is a challenge. Every week I have to fight the urge to buy 2 of the most lovely blue pottery mugs. I really want them. I can visualize myself sipping coffee, tea, hot cocoa... The problem is they are $10.00 each. A fair price I am sure, but my whole market budget for the week. Since I'm still enjoying tomatoes and peaches I'm hoping and praying that the mugs are still there in October. Who needs pumpkins?

Our yummy finds today included: tomatoes, peaches, eggplant, apples, an Asian melon and, just because we are "living on the edge", a grape pie. We had $4.00 left to spend and the little pie was $4.00. All I'm going to say is that it wasn't too bad. Hope you have a farmer's market near you, or maybe a wonderful vegetable garden in your backyard. That is my goal for next summer. Then I can afford to spend my $20.00 on beautiful blue mugs....


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo

Grace's last Saturday at home before she's off to college and all that she wanted to do was walk at the zoo and visit the farmer's market. So we all got up early and put on our walking shoes. The zoo was pretty quiet this morning, but we did remember the camera and managed to take these pictures of some of our favorite friends. Now we are back home and enjoying the air conditioning... Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Summer Visitors

I'm so sorry that I did not write to let you all know that David arrived safely in Virginia. My mother-in-law called yesterday to check and see if he had made it, because there was no mention on the blog. I forget sometimes that other people actually read this. I haven't posted the last couple of days because we have had company and I thought it might be rude to spend as much time on the computer as it usually takes me to compose these little bits of my life. However, everyone seems to be occupied at the moment so I figured I would send a little update so you can all stop worrying. David is fine. Actually he's super fine today because he got his internet and cable turned on. WOW! Now he needs to focus on the important things, like getting a driver's license and opening a bank account. Real grown up kind of things.

Our summer guests this week have been my Dad, my Uncle Henry and my Aunt Trudy. Uncle Henry is my dad's brother and he and Aunt Trudy drove up from Tennessee just to see me and my new house. Not really. They came to Louisville to visit my Aunt Trudy's cousin Nancy and me and my new house. Every time Alan and I have moved they have come to visit and give their stamp of approval. They say that they even came to visit us in Wisconsin. It must have been a short visit because I don't even remember it. But that doesn't matter, because they do. Anyway, they seem to think that our new house is OK. I feel so much better knowing that.

It was wonderful to spend time with them. Hopefully they will come back again.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"Hot" Wheels

Meet Bjorn, David's "new" used Saab. Bjorn has been nothing but one problem after another since he joined the family last week. I'm not going to go into all of the ugly details. If you have ever purchased a used car, you know what I'm talking about. The one thing that I'll mention is that the AC only works on one side. It was 101 degrees yesterday. That's all I'm going to say. Despite all of it's faults, David loves this car. Please say a prayer today that David and Bjorn make it safely to Norfolk.
He pulled out of the driveway a little while ago. The first of my babies to leave home this fall. This will be the furthest away from home that he has ventured on his own. I know he is ready but I already miss him.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Yuck, Yuck, Yuck!

Do you have cicadas where you live? They look like this and they sound like... I don't even know how to describe it, but the hotter it gets the louder they get. I noticed all of these perfectly round holes all over our yard a week or so ago and wondered what was causing them. Now I know. They are so gross. They stay buried underground for years and then the year you move into a new house they decide it's time to dig out and annoy the heck out of you. Every now and then we get lucky enough to see a live one (like when it flies into you when you are trying to get into your car), but mostly what we find are dead bodies. Lots and lots of dead cicada bodies. I'm telling you it's just gross. These things may have to rank higher than roaches in the disgusting bug list. At least for me they do.
Sorry for such a yucky post today. Not much is really going on. Both kids are in Iowa for the weekend and I have to admit I'm feeling a little jealous. Hope you have fun weekend plans.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Finally, the Living Room!

I know you have probably been wondering why I have not shown you any pictures of the "main" room. To be honest, I just wanted it to be perfect, or as perfect as possible. And yesterday that happened. Our new furniture was delivered (same time that the plumber was snaking out the sink, but that's a different story) I love it! Alan and I both hate making big decisions, and choosing the couch that we are probably going to sit on every night for the next 20 years was a BIG decision for us. I think we did good. What do you think?

Well, there you have it. You have seen the whole place. The longer we live here the more I know that we made the right choice for us. Hope you can come for a visit soon!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Easy Access

Say hello to our new gate and steps. Aren't they wonderful? Thanks to Bob and Johnny we can now just open the back door and let the dog out. Just like that. No putting on of the leash so that she thinks you are going to take her for a "W" (code for walk). No walking out the door, down the steps, through the chain link gate, just so the dog can go to the bathroom and be disappointed that you are not really taking her for a "W". This new system will also make her obsession with squirrel chasing a whole lot easier. Open the door and she's off. Just when I thought life couldn't get any better.

(PS We are going to hit 100 degrees today just so you know.)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Mama's Boy

I guess the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree. For those of you who know David, I don't have to explain. For those of you who have not had the pleasure, let me just say that he kind of likes things just so. He's seriously goal-oriented and, even when he's having fun and laughing his contagiously huge laugh, he's thinking about what's next on his list of things to do. Does that sound like anyone else you know? Anyway, while we were helping him unpack we found this: A storage container collection that any mother would be proud to know her son owns. He says that it's my fault. He says that I gave them to him. I smile because he kept them.

So now it's confirmed that he shares some of my organizational skills, but let me assure you he has a lot of his dad in him too as you can see from his choice of bathroom reading material.

I think that probably sums it up for today.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Oh What a Night

Last night we went to see the musical Jersey Boys. All I can say is WOW! The show was great and we sat in these wonderfully comfortable box seats. Grace was by far the youngest person in the audience, but she didn't seem to mind at all. I know we are probably the last people to see it, but if it comes to your town and you haven't seen it yet, you won't be disappointed.

Yesterday I told you about the fantastic view that David has from his 19th floor balcony. Here are some pictures to prove it.

Not bad is it? We were so lucky the day we moved him in. There was a break in the weather and the temperature was a perfect 80 degrees with an even more perfect bay breeze. The smell of ocean water really had me longing for the coast, but since it is still hurricane season I was not all that disappointed to get back in the car and drive back over the long and windy mountain roads to Kentucky.

Not many ocean breezes here and the temperature is still unbearable. It is official - July was the 5th hottest month ever recorded here. I'm not kidding you when I tell you it's hot! My plan today is to try and stay as cool as I can. I might even have to turn on the sprinkler and eat a couple of popsicles. Who knows?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Living On Top Of The World

We just got back from moving David to Virginia. For 12 long, windy, long, scenic,long rainy/sunny hours I followed behind the guys through the mountains all the way to the ocean. This is what I looked at most of the way. It was a very short trip, but we got the job done. David will be living on the 19th floor of Hague Tower apartments.

It kind of has the feel of living in a hotel. There is an elevator (thank goodness), trash chute, workout room and pool.

No ice machine, but he can make cubes in his own freezer.

All of his worldly belongings fit in nicely. Once he gets his cable and PlayStation hooked up he will really be in business. Here are some pictures to give you an idea of what life is like being a poor, struggling, graduate student these days...

It's basically one long room with a kitchen, large closet and bathroom. The view is quite amazing from his balcony. I can't wait to go back for a longer visit. The ocean air and breezes were delightful. Hopefully he remembers to study.
