Monday, August 16, 2010

"Electronical" Gagets

OK, so I've been informed that electronical isn't really a word, but I like it and I think it perfectly describes this collection of important tools that pile up on Alan's place mat every evening. He needs all of these thing. I guess they all do a different job. I think that I own all of these things too, well, not that thing on the far right. I don't even know what that's called. I just don't keep all of my electronicals in the same place. I tried giving Alan a cute little basket to hold his stuff. It's hanging very near the dining room table and it's empty.
This will be a busy week for us. It's time to get our acts together and organize all of Grace's college stuff. We have been accumulating things here and there all summer, and stashing things here and there all summer. Hopefully it will all fit in the car. I know that Friday can't come soon enough for her. She is so excited. I'm excited for her. Really I am.

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