Saturday, April 4, 2015

Spring At Last

You know how sometimes time just gets away from you? That's pretty much my only excuse for not blogging since early March. Seems like it's just been one thing after another and I've just been along for the ride. I'll try and catch you up on the main events, but it's probably better to just go forward from here. March was one busy month,  not just for Alan and I, David and Grace gave us several days of nervous excitement. I spent a weekend in Peoria with my good friend Jacqueline. We attended the Knitting Pipeline Retreat but mostly just enjoyed each others company. We did a lot of knitting, some shopping and ate delicious sushi. Alan attended a conference and an out of town lab inspection. He also participated in the Triple Crown of Running. A 5K, 10K and 10 Miler. David is down to the wire now. Match Day was March 20th and apparently all of his hard work has payed off.  He will be doing his residency at the University of Iowa. This was his first choice, and he is very excited to return to Iowa for at least the next 3 years. Grace attended a gender equality meeting in Cambodia that coincided with Michelle Obama's Let Girls Learn" promotional tour. She got to have lunch in a fancy hotel and listen to Mrs. Obama and the head of the Peace Corps talk about the importance of educating girls. Oh yeah, and she also got a huge hug from the First Lady. Totally the highlight of her Peace Corps experience so far. In other news, you may have seen that we had a bit of rain last week. Seriously, the flood gates opened and water was every where. Thank goodness the sun has come out today and things are starting to dry out. The grass is turning green and all of the daffodils are blooming. Spring is finally here. Hope you all have a wonderful Easter Celebration.


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