Sunday, December 8, 2013

Winter Wonderland of Sorts...

Another winter storm has descended upon Louisville. It started Friday with freezing rain and sleet which then turned into beautiful snow. It took Alan 2 hours to drive home from work Friday, it's usually 20 minutes max. Saturday we had a bit of a reprieve. We were able to make it to the grocery store and then Home Depot to buy our Christmas tree. Very few people were out and about but you know, we are from Iowa (sort of) what's a little snow? We woke up this morning to another couple of inches of snow, but the temperature is supposed to make it up to 35 degrees and the weather guys are calling for more freezing rain this afternoon.

School may be called off again tomorrow due to icy roads. I think it's going to be a great winter to be a kid in Louisville. As for us, we are staying in, sipping hot chocolate by the fire and watching more football.
Hope you are nice and warm.

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