Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Alabama, Wildcats and Lots of Driving

Hope you all had a lovely Labor Day weekend. We sure did. I've always loved Labor Day. I think it's because I have always taught and, after the craziness of the first week or two of school, having a day off gave me time to get organized and rest up. This year was a little different for me. Since I'm still unemployed I was just looking forward to spending time with my people.
We picked Grace up from UK after her last class on Friday and hit the road for Alabama. It's a long drive, not as long as it used to be from Iowa, but still a good 8.5 hours. Thank goodness the traffic around Nashville was pretty light. Alan did all of the driving. I did all of the crocheting and Grace did all of the knitting. We listened to "Al-tunes" (that's what Alan calls his music on his Ipod), sang along to most of the songs, and finally made it to Aliceville about 11:00.
Here are a few pictures from the trip. As a side note, I should probably say, since Saturday was the start of the college football season, all of our teams won! Including our brand new favorite The Kentucky Wildcats. Go Big Blue! Grace wore nothing but blue the whole weekend in support of her team.
We could not have asked for better weather and Mary Ann made sure that we ate well. Love those cinnamon rolls made by the Mennonite ladies. She even gave Grace a fudge pie to take back to school. What could be better?

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