Monday, July 26, 2010

What's Growing

Just so you all can rest easy, George has spent the last two nights out on the town. He goes out as soon as it's dark enough and shows up at the back door the next morning, then he sleeps all day. He is one happy cat!

I know that I haven't shown you many pictures of our yard. The yard is eventually going to be beautiful (I think) but right now it is sadly not. We need to do some major weeding and transplanting and planting and mulching and I think you get the idea. Remember, the house has been empty for nearly 2 years and other than weekly lawn mowing, everything else has kind of "gone back to nature". Since it's way to hot right now to spend any length of time outside, we have decided that we will be patient (difficult for me) and wait until the fall to do any major work. We have a great spot for a vegetable garden and several beds that will be in full bloom next spring. Until then, I have to be happy with a few pots on my deck. The basil is my favorite. I'm putting it in just about everything I can think of. It smells heavenly.


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