Friday, April 19, 2013

Lost & Found

So, if you are one of the many people that I "questioned" about "borrowing" my amazing canning pot last fall, I probably owe you an apology.

I'm still quite mystified by the whole process of events, but to make a long story short here's the scoop. Last fall when it was apple butter making time I hunted everywhere imaginable for my canning pot. I was sure that it was in our backyard shed, but when I couldn't find it there I basically tore the basement apart. No luck. Alan even "helped" me look but to no avail.
I then decided that someone must have  borrowed it. I pretty much asked everyone I knew and they all looked at me like I was a crazy person. In the mean time I went ahead and canned my apple butter in my pasta pot. I was not happy. 

Last week I got it in my head that I wanted to make some strawberry jam. I was all set to just go out and buy a new canning pot. I got my old one at a yard sale in Wisconsin for just about nothing over 25 years ago. I loved that pot. 

Anyway, I decided to take one more look around the shed and a very wonderful thing happened. I found my pot! I know you probably think I'm nuts and of course that's possible, but boy was I doing the happy dance. 
 Aren't you glad I told you the short version of the story? Today I made strawberry jam and it is delicious. I actually started it last night according to the recipe that I followed and that really made things go more quickly. I couldn't wait for it to cool down so that I could give it a try. So good.
With all of the awful things going on in our crazy world today sometimes it helps me to just keep busy doing the things that make me happy. Doing these things like cooking and knitting and sewing also gives me a lot of time to think about the people that I love and how very blessed I am. I hope that I can express to each and everyone of you how much I appreciate you. You are all precious gifts.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

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